In the UK, over 10 million people have arthritis or other similar conditions that affect their joints. Here at Uccello we understand Arthritis and want to help make people’s lives easier with our assistive appliance, the Uccello Kettle.
It was our founder, Andy, who designed and developed the Uccello Kettle because of his psoriatic arthritis. He found using an average kettle caused too much pain and frustration. It was time for something easier in the kitchen.
Today, I want to discuss more about arthritis and why our Uccello Kettle is ideal for those living with arthritis.
What Are The Main Symptoms of Arthritis?
There are over 100 different types of arthritis and the symptoms many experience can vary from one person to another. For many this is what it can feel like:
- Joint pain – the joint affected can feel stiff and tender. Resulting in pain
- Inflammation in and around the joints
- Your movements are restricted due to pain
- Warm red skin over the affected area
- The overall weakness of the joints. Here you may find it harder to lift or pick things up.
How Can Arthritis Affect You in the Kitchen?
If you or a loved one is living with arthritis, most of what happens in the kitchen can cause pain. Whether it’s peeling the vegetables, opening jars, washing dishes, lifting heavy pots/pans, or pouring a hot kettle.
The kitchen is usually what is considered the heart of the home and you shouldn’t have to experience pain every time you enter it. While we can’t peel the vegetables or wash the dishes, we can help to lift and pour a hot kettle easier for you.
The UK is the 3rd highest tea drinking country in the world and we have over 10 million people living with arthritis. That is a lot of people suffering from inflammation and pain when it comes to making a cuppa.
Uccello Kettle – Ideal For Those Living With Arthritis:
The Uccello Kettle was specifically designed to help those living with arthritis. Unlike other kettles and kettle-tippers, the circular shape of the kettle with its rotating cradle moves around the body of water to create a smooth, effortless pour every time.
With the Uccello Kettle, you will never need to lift, strain, or try and balance with a hot heavy kettle again.
Take a look at the video below to see the Uccello Kettle in action:
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